Community Garden
Every year, around this time, the kids living at Joshua Station get excited about the fruits and vegetables in our community garden. They...

The Return Part 4: A New Rhythm
Do you ever get that sort of restless feeling? Like you just want to get in the jeep and go for a drive? Or have you ever had the...

I have been reading The Stranger in the Woods: The Extraordinary True Story of the Last True Hermit.” The book tells the story of...

Welcoming Strangeness
There are a lot of ways to speak about hospitality, probably as many ways as there are to be hospitable. But, I particularly love...

It Aint Over 'Til It's Over
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Rediscovering Community
I grew up in a “city” in Iowa. We lived in the suburbs with spacious yards, lots of kids (think Baby Boomer Generation), and a Mom in...

Celtic Christian Spirituality Within An Urban Environment
Living the Celtic Christian Way in the suburban/urban environment fills my thoughts on most days. It is like a companion on the journey...